The management

A modern-day A-Team


Talk to us

John Ashton

The Overlord

Matt Rosine

The Fixer

Rosie Namsoo

The Talent Hunter

Cathy Taylor

The Facilitator

Daria Viter

The Engineer

Mariana Pessoa

The Polyglot

John Ashton

The Overlord

As a journalist, John has written for national newspapers and authored numerous books. As a copywriter, he has worked for all kinds of public, private and third-sector organizations.

He founded Write Arm in 2012 with the bright idea of exploiting the talents of a throng of gifted writers, then retiring to a tropical island. It didn’t quite work out that way as he found that he liked the buzz of meeting clients and winning new business.

These days he’s usually to be found working on business strategy and staring at spreadsheets.

The island can wait.

Matt Rosine

The Fixer

Hailing from Brighton – the birthplace of Write Arm – Matt spent over a decade leading recruitment for high-performing businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, including professional sports teams and media companies. At Write Arm, his role is to ensure that our teams and writers can excel every day, and help our clients to reach their objectives.

When not on a Zoom call talking to candidates and clients or tinkering with our project management system, Matt spends his time spearheading the growth of our US office in North Carolina.

Rosie Namsoo

The Talent Hunter

Rosie’s had a deep appreciation for the power of language ever since childhood, when she twigged that some ways of asking for a chocolate biscuit yielded better results than others.

Having studied the role of language in both psychology and anthropology, she unleashed herself on the world of marketing and copywriting, where she continued her obsession with choosing just the right words.
These days, her focus is on finding the perfect writer for each new brief. Writers be warned: there’s little that irks her as much as a wayward apostrophe – save perhaps for an empty biscuit tin.

Cathy Taylor

The Facilitator

Originally from Somerset, Cathy took a degree in English literature and sociology in order to indulge her love of words and people. After a move to Brighton, she found her niche in internal communications and spent many happy years delivering comms strategies for a global insurance business.

After a break to have a family, she delved back in to the world of words with Write Arm. As client services manager, she excels at ensuring that each project runs as smoothly as can be.

Daria Viter

The Engineer

To say that Daria is a brilliant all-rounder would be an understatement.

As well as a master’s degree in pharmacy, and qualifications in web development and project management, she’s fluent in three languages and has worked for organizations as diverse as the UN and Emirates airline. She joined Write Arm as operations coordinator after moving to the UK from Ukraine, and now sits at the heart of our engine room, expertly pulling all the levers needed to keep the show running smoothly. 

Mariana Pessoa

The Polyglot

Having learned English by watching Star Wars when she was four, Mariana was always likely to land a career in foreign languages.

It took her a while though, as she first got a master’s in educational psychology, then ran her own clinic, before her love of the UK music scene brought her to London. Eventually she joined Write Arm where, as head of multilingual services, she marshals a worldwide team of linguists. As you’d expect, she still loves to learn new languages, though she admits to struggling with Ewokese.

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We’ve been working with Write Arm for several years, during which time the team there have written dozens of feature articles for us. Our relationship with Write Arm means we are able to instantly scale our editorial resources to match our required output. We know we can be confident in the quality of the copy we’ll receive and we know it will always arrive on (and often well before) deadline. Most importantly, the team at Write Arm is a pleasure to deal with, and is always available to help with any editorial request.

Nik Taylor, The Student Room

What people say
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We have been working with the Write Arm team since 2018. They were hired based on a competitive tender to write copy for a biennial report website. At short notice, we also needed a printed report, written in a formal annual report style. They met this challenge and delivered two excellent products, on time and on budget. We were pleased that Write Arm won the tender and that we will have the benefit of their expertise and support this year. 

Neil Ford, Commonwealth Secretariat

What people say
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Being able to access highly experienced copywriters has made our marketing and communication projects easier to deliver because of the quality and professionalism they bring.

Nic Hamilton, Ordnance Survey

What people say
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The proof to us that the copy is working is that potential clients are showing their excitement for what we are doing, how we are doing it, and… we are winning business. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Write Arm, and will continue to work with them on all our future projects. Thank you Write Arm!

Richard White, 365 InHouse

What people say
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They consistently produce work of an excellent quality, are reliable and responsive, and they’re nice to deal with too.

Ryan Welmans, Sopro

What people say
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There was a quiet professionalism about John and his team that was really reassuring. He was quickly on the case and gave us just the type of writers we needed – experienced and thorough. First name on our freelance roster.

Carlo Formicola, Vitality

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When we reached out to Write Arm, they immediately matched us up with a copywriter with years of experience working in film and television. We were able to meet with him the day after and our copy was in shape only a week later. We are immensely grateful to the team at Write Arm for their knowledge and efficiency. Our website, pitching documents and packages are always complimented for their professionality, and they’re our prize pieces when it comes to bringing in clients.

Lilli Cooper, Script Compass

What people say
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I’ve worked with Write Arm across multiple content projects across different companies and industries. Whatever the brief, they are always able to source the right copywriter to deliver high quality writing on time, whether it’s a short blog post or in-depth whitepaper, so I can get our projects published and delivered results quickly. Write Arm continues to be my first port of call for any key content brief.

Nadia Barmada, Linnworks

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Write Arm have been a great partner for Re:signal, helping to create outstanding content at scale across a range of sectors and audiences.

Kevin Gibbons, Re:signal

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Working with the Write Arm team was a breeze. They were an extension of my team and helped me provide top-quality content at a scale the client just couldn’t have managed. They were thrilled with the result, and I was too.

Trisha Brandon, RSPCA

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